Sunday, June 22, 2008

Drexel-Heritage Dining Rooms

My first dining table was Drexel-Heritage. I purchased that table in 1977, and it is still in beautiful condition. Today, Drexel-Heritage Furniture maintains the same standards that were used to make my table and 8 upholstered, cane backed chairs.
This picture features the Palm Court Collection. It is the epitome of Island Style, which so many South Floridians love. But, right now, if I were to retire my dining room, I am much more partial to the Tuscan Villa Collection which I will feature on my next blog. It has such beautiful lines that combine old world elegance with modern lines.
Stay tuned for more Fine Furniture Facts!

Grandparent Games

How exciting to be a new grandmother and have this wonderful tool to help me interact with my granddaughter. The site is called Grandparent Games, and it allows both grandparent and grandchild to interact directly with each other using numerous games and visuals effects that progress into teaching skills as the child gets older. The site is for children from 6 months to 5 years of age. I have seen it in action, and I don't know who was more delighted, the 2 year old grandson, or the Grandfather, who was beginning to teach number recognition. As you can see I have a few months to go before I can begin teaching her multiplication! If nothing less, it's a wonderful babysitting tool. Little Milo played with his Grandfather for 15 minutes every day. Mom can get alot done in 15 minutes. I'll keep you posted on its progress. The site debut is August 1st, but you can go online now at to check out related blogs, etc. Or check out this Video on UTube Chat with you soon!