Sunday, July 6, 2008

Trying to Add a Slide Show

New Slide show with a few problems, next weekend, I quess!

But, I do love the iron work on this staircase. If anyone knows who designed it, we are very interested!

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Discovered Kohl's Today!

Like most of my friends and family, I've always shopped at the larger department stores like Macy's, Bloomingdales, Neiman Marcus, Marshall Fields, and a lot that have been swallowed up by the big boys. This year, in tiny little Stuart, FL, I have discovered stores like Kohl's and Steinmart. I avoided those stores like the plaque, because after feeling like cattle at a rummage sale at Marshalls, I'd rather wait for a bargain at my favorite stores.

And, of course, I'm shopping for my new grandchild, so I had a ball. If you too are a grandparent who misses any and all contact with your perfect grand baby, go to Grand parenting will take on a whole new meaning when you can interact with the object of your affection from across the world!

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Adding a Slide Show and click on the picture gallery

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